Looking for information about mBRAINING?
(An applied neuroscience-based approach to accessing inner wisdom.)
You've come to the right place!
We are a resource group for anyone looking for resources or information on the use of multiple brain integration techniques in the United States and Canada.

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What is mBraining?
Discover the research and neuroscience that created mBIT (multiple brain integration techniques) and mBraining. Learn how this information can transform and improve your life.

North America Coaches Directory
Interested in getting coaching with this method? Want to see who offers training or coaching near you? Look through our directory of coaches to find one that fits your needs.

Resources & Events
Interested in getting trained to be a coach? Want to explore one of the mBIT courses? Want to see available webinars or online training? Check it out here!
What is mBraining North America Resource Group?
We are passionate about the power of using the research done by Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka in their book titled "mBraining" to positively impact people's lives and the world. We seek to advance the use of these life-changing techniques by connecting those with a need or interest to the mBraining coaching and training community in the United States and Canada. Our community provides support to the NA mBraining community to dramatically increase exposing new people to this transformative training.
Where did mBraining come from?
Who is this website for?
Don't wait - get started today and access your inner wisdom.

Evolve Your World

mBIT Coaching Certification

Evolving You App with Coaching
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